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Cannonpointer » 22 minutes ago » wrote: I had the bell bottoms and the platforms as a 14 year old. Then one day I was just wearing tennis shoes at school, and this nig got up in my face. He was wearing platforms, and he was pushing me verbally. 

I wasn't a kid that took much pushing at all. My step dad was fast as a mother **** with the belt, and consistent with it, too. So I was pretty fearless, since I was getting it anyway, no matter what. I really didn't tie punishment to crime. Punishment was just life. And that made me the freest little **** in town.

Anyway, I knocked that delanamore right off of those shoes. I mean he FLEW, brother. Easily a six foot flight before he landed on his back and just laid there moaning. I went home and told my mom to give my shoes to the Salivation Army. I was done with 'em.

Then when I was 21, I was working the oil patch. A company man that I respected told me the reason women liked men with long hair is that they're lesbians at heart, preferring a feminine looking man, and the ones who preferred short-haired men were straight. Now, I wasn't sure he was right, but I WAS sure that I liked my hair better short, and this was my life, and any broad that needed my hair ling to wanna **** me could just go **** someone else. 

I'm happy to say that no photos exist which show me in bell bottoms. They were orange, low rise, hip-hugger super bells. They were a blasphemy against manhood. I was a child and knew no better.
Me too...Thanks to [[[JWO SOCIAL ENGINEERING]]]  I was sucked into wanting to be a Hippy...but Dad would have no part of that.

First day of Basic Training we all got crew cuts and it was the Hippies who suffered the most because their ears had not seen day light for years. After just a day or two in the hot Fort Leonard Wood Sun..the tops of their ears looked like sizzled bacon...... Image  

BTW, I imagine working on a hot, sweaty, 1000 horsepower oil rig with long hair would have it's disadvantages. 
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